Slasher Vault

Day Shift (2022) – Movie Review

Slasher Vault‘s Spoiler-Free Review of Day Shift (2022).

Rating: 4/5

Day Shift (2022) is comedy horror at its best! This movie is the best of everything we love from movies like Zombieland (2009), just with vampires and the world hasn’t ended. 

Review of Day Shift (2022)

At the heart of this movie is a story of a man’s love for his family and wanting to reconcile with them. Jamie Foxx portrays this main character, Bud Jablonski, and is great in the role. He conveys all sides of Bud’s personality wonderfully, so we get to see the funny man and the family man alongside one another in a way that feels cohesive. 

The plot is a little generic, but it’s entertaining, with a great cast of characters and a formidable villain to contend with. It is great to see vampires on the big screen who are actually creepy and horrific again; more like The Lost Boys (1987) than Twilight (2008)!

Dave Franco’s character, Seth, is also a wonderful addition to the cast, with a fun and interesting storyline. It’s not too deep, but it is still a lot of fun to watch. 

And who doesn’t like seeing Snoop Dogg in this movie?! Day Shift really is just a fun jaunt that is supposed to make you laugh and cheer, rather than scare you. 

Overall, if you like movies like Zombieland, this horror comedy is perfect for you!

Related to Our Review of Day Shift (2022)

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