Slasher Vault

Cult of Chucky (2017) – Movie Review

Slasher Vault‘s Spoiler-Free Review of Cult of Chucky (2017).

Rating: 3/5

This setting of a psychiatric hospital and the idea of a cult of Chucky could have been so good; it’s just a shame that Cult of Chucky (2017) did not live up to these expectations. 

Review of Cult of Chucky (2017)

The setting is what sets this movie apart from the worst movies in the Child’s Play franchise. It’s equally as creepy and iconic as the gothic house from Curse of Chucky (2013), making for a tense and atmospheric movie. 

The biggest issue in this movie is the change in lore. This started with Child’s Play 3 (1991) and had mostly been ignored until Cult of Chucky. Those who have seen the movie will know what I mean – I just don’t think this change in lore adds anything to the franchise. If anything, it takes away from the tension of the movie and Chucky’s motivations.

Nica’s character is also ruined by this movie. She was such a great protagonist in Curse of Chucky, and sure, a lot has happened to her, but seeing such a strong-willed individual demoralised and weak in this sequel was disappointing. 

Andy makes an appearance in this movie which was initially exciting, but they didn’t do much with his character. In hindsight, they were clearly setting up the TV series, but that didn’t need to come at the expense of a movie which could have been great in its own right.

Overall, Cult of Chucky was a bit of a disappointment despite the great movie which came before and the awesome premise and location.

Related to Our Review of Cult of Chucky (2017)

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