Slasher Vault

Child’s Play 2 (1990) – Movie Review

Slasher Vault‘s Spoiler-Free Review of Child’s Play 2 (1990).

Rating: 4/5

It was always going to be difficult to follow the greatness of Child’s Play (1988), but this sequel from 1990 is fantastic!

Review of Child's Play 2 (1990)

The only negative of the original is that we didn’t see enough of Chucky, but Child’s Play 2 (1990) definitely makes up for that! With some great lines and awesome kills, this movie showed a promising future for the franchise.

One of the highlights of this movie is the introduction of Kyle. She’s my favourite character in the franchise, other than Chucky, despite how little we see of her. She’s funny, badass, and fiercely brave, making her a perfect ally for Andy.

Andy’s story is pretty tragic by this point, but the movie doesn’t focus on that too much. Sure, you get a few scenes, one-off lines, but not much of an exploration of how everything that has happened to him must make him feel. I can understand why they don’t focus on it a lot, as these movies are slashers but they are also pretty light-hearted, so skipping over tragedy makes sense. But this is an essential part of Andy’s character development, so I do think we miss out on seeing an important part of his emotional journey. 

Overall, this is a fantastic sequel to the original and maybe one of the best sequels of all time in the horror genre (better than Scream 2? Maybe?). Definitely don’t skip this if you enjoyed the first movie. 

Related to Our Review of Child’s Play 2 (1990)

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